開催期間:2019/12/2(Mon)〜12/7(Sat) 12-30-20:00* *12/7(Sat)のみ 17:00まで
Mixed Media2019
Mixed Media
Mixed media was led by Duchamp and others as the forefront of contemporary art in the 70s, but originated from Dada and Surrealist artists and was born in the chaotic society after the First World War. At that time, artists started to incorporate a fragment of reality into the two-dimensionality of painting, in order to better express the complex structure of both society and the individual, which were difficult to express in written form.
The expression of the relationship created by different materials and the change in values created by facing each other have played a major role in the art world since the 1970s, when the relationship between society and the individual became a major issue.
Nowadays, that category has been jumped over as AV systems and everyday commodities are mostly used. However, mixed media is the foundation of contemporary art as an important way to express the relationship between the world’s affordance and our inner world.
This exhibition focuses on mixed media. The dynamic state of the screens and the changes that occur through the composition of various materials intertwined by our 13 selected artists give the visitor a pure joy of viewing and going through intellectual considerations. In addition, the unique materials selected by the artists will further characterize the world that each artist expresses, and the works will resonate with each other to bring out the appeal of each artist and make us discover a new aspect of painting.

荒木 涼子 Ryouko Araki

井下 彩乃 Ayano Inoshita

石田 絵美子 Emiko Ishida

尾川 和 Kazu Ogawa

かしの さおり Saori Kashino

川原 和美 Kazumi Kawahara

きはら ごう Go Kihara

切り絵の蜜鈴堂 Mitsurindo

高杉 恵海 Emi Takasugi

野坂 衣織 Iori Nosaka

濵村 裕二 Yuji Hamamura

山内 孝一 Kouichi Yamauchi
龍田 龍也 Tatsuya Tatsuta
E-mali : artlinks.yk@gmail.com又は、お問い合わせフォームからお問い合わせください。
GALLERY ART POINT(ギャラリーアートポイント)では、現代美術の絵画や立体作品、インスタレーションなどの展示をメインとして貸画廊、企画画廊として1969年に開廊しました。